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Sunday, 24 October 2010

Backing Hearse to doors

There is a method called school insurance sales. Using this method, the salesperson insurance live paint a picture of how life would be like if you were to die before Ubezpieczalnię family of his time.  This is a very emotional type sale approach used as a call to action and the spouse for the purchase of Ubezpieczalnię life immediately.  Usually do not use this approach, but I have heard some disturbing news this morning, which inspired me to dust it and use it as a reference to those who need.

  One of my colleagues began to My Office this morning and informed me that the mutual knowledge communicated yesterday evening.  He had cancer that obviously detected too late.Last week he had Surgery to remove tumors and part of his colon. he does not make it. 

  Is the man life I 'm, I asked My associate If this person was a life insurance policy (if I had known him better, whether it is).She said it not me (which is also an insurance to be asked: one child surviving). She said to me that it had looked to him, but decided against it because he was upset that contributions have been so much more expensive than smoking cigarettes.  Sad part is, it may be granted it.

  As was only knowledge, I am not familiar with his financial matters.  However, check that leaves behind a wife, who over the grieving the loss of one close, now will be able to figure how to survive financially – it will have to liquidate assets (dom, etc.) in order to continue living comfortably?

There was a continuation of the business plan in place, which could be used to pay the wife of his participation in the activities of It do not have insurance the? in the place of residence of the members of the family prosperity, I highly doubt, if you have insurance in place for the purposes of the continuation of the activity.Now to business partners, to develop it with wife of the deceased partner.If there is no plan to continue activities in place, it will do the right thing and alignment of the wife of the deceased partner's share of the company? it will, in such a case to the liquidation of the assets of the companies have not?

Purchase the insurance policy is the Act of selfless. in so far as they are not purchased the principle of monetary values with the purpose of accumulating cash does not have any personal benefit to gain by the principle of life insurance (other than this you are calm, the protection of the family).In most cases are purchases, to make sure that your family survive comfortably after the death of the user.

Vice versa, do not purchase life insurance, as shown in the example above, is extremely Selfish. This gentleman can be easily purchased the principle of less than the cost of its cigarettes and other elements of the less important now, his family, and business partner must pay the price of its wyzyskuje.

I don't like films-approach the host, but this story has me so riled that does not guarantee that I will not transmit them to other users, who need and do not have adequate life insurance. in fact, I will start using it now to Go and make sure that you have enough insurance so your survivors did not suffer a similar fate.

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